Welcome to the Library!

Here's our top news stories...
More details are on our website:

Call to Renew Your Items

Did you know that you can renew your items before they become overdue, with a quick and simple phone call?
All items may be renewed one time, unless they are on hold for someone else.
Call the library... 417-223-4489

Upcoming CLASS:

The Southwest City Library is offering:
“Beginning a Family Heritage Album
A class that will inspire you to “do something” with that collection of old photos.
The class will be limited to 11 so call 417-762-7323 to register.

Closed Veteran's Day

We will be closed Friday, November 11th, for the Veteran's Day holiday.

In Case of Inclement Weather:

The library will be closed whenever the schools are forced to close.
After the first day, we will evaluate the road conditions and reopen as soon as possible, even if the schools remain closed.
(If we are closed, no overdue fines will be accrued.)

Library Hours

Pineville: Mon-Fri 9am-6pm; Sat 9am-3pm
Southwest City: Tue-Fri 10am-6pm; Sat 10am-3pm
Noel: Tue-Fri 11am-6pm; Sat 9am-3pm